About our school

Orroroo Area School services the communities of Orroroo, Black Rock, Carrieton, Pekina, Morchard, Walloway, Dawson, Johnburg, Belton, Willowie and Hammond. Students are transported from a radius of about 50km.

The district supports cereal cropping and pastoral pursuits and the township of Orroroo is the service centre for outlying areas as well as an extremely healthy flow of tourists. Generally the district is prosperous, School Card numbers are modest and families are stable. The township has an extremely positive feel about it which also permeates the school.

Orroroo Area School, and indeed the township of Orroroo and the surrounding district, is seen as a safe and secure environment, which offers a wide and varied education. There is general confidence in the school and its impact on the youth of the district.

The school has a history of academic and sporting success of which the community is extremely proud. There is an expectation that students will be able to complete their formal schooling at Orroroo without undue disadvantage caused by distance, isolation and subject offerings at senior schooling. In fact most kids have no trouble getting work because of the can-do work ethic engendered by this solid community and the high expectations of the staff and parents.

Proactive measures such as careful and realistic counselling and innovative delivery structures (which combine face to face teaching with distance delivery in the form of the Open Access College and the Mid North Senior Secondary Education Cooperative – MNSEC) are well supported by families.

Welcome to our website and I hope that you enjoy seeing and reading a little about the school of which we are so proud.

At our school, students can learn and grow in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment.

Our vision

Orroroo Area School strives to develop lifelong learning and the development of citizenships through the core values of: Respect, Responsibility, Excellence, Tolerance and Honesty.

Our learner qualities enhance student engagement through being Inquisitive, being Self-Aware, having Courage, being Connected and practising Perseverance.

Staff and students work with a strong collaborative culture, to continuously improve learner outcomes.

Our values

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Excellence
  • Tolerance
  • Honesty