
The Australian Curriculum is taught in our school. 

We use the curriculum to: 

  • plan student learning 
  • monitor and assess student progress 
  • report student progress to parents 
  • support student wellbeing. 

The curriculum learning areas are: 

  • English  
  • mathematics  
  • science  
  • humanities and social sciences  – history, geography, economics and business, civics and citizenship 
  • the arts – dance, drama, music, media arts, visual arts 
  • technologies – design and technologies, digital technologies 
  • health and physical education  
  • languages – Spanish

Visit curriculum in South Australia for more information.

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is required for all children and young people in our school. It’s taught each year by teachers who have completed a full-day KS:CPC training course.  

It teaches children to: 

  • recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it 
  • understand what touching is appropriate and inappropriate  
  • understand ways of keeping themselves safe. 

Visit Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for parents and carers for more information. 

Junior school (preschool to year 6)

The Junior School is the first stage in a child’s school education. Our main objective is to provide our learners with the opportunity to develop academically, physically, socially and emotionally in a safe, friendly, supportive and caring environment.

In preschool to year 6, teachers aim to provide a learning environment that is caring, nurturing and guides learners from concrete to abstract thinking. Learners work in a variety of situations, catering for various learning styles. We provide explicit teaching of concepts and skills, play, and resource based learning, student initiated learning and cross age peer work.

We promote the five school values: Honesty, Tolerance, Excellence, Respect and Responsibility within daily teaching. We look at our learning intentions and discuss the success criteria to reach learner potential.

We also provide the students with the opportunity to participate in choir, and instrumental music.

The Junior School has an assembly for students, parents and caregivers to celebrate student achievements, communicate messages and develop organisational leadership. Students have access to their own playground, sandpit, grassed and paved seating areas. They can also access the double synthetic court area and school oval.

Once a month we also have an ‘Aussie of the Month’ assembly where classes have the opportunity to share their learning with others.

Middle school (years 7 to 9)

The Middle School at Orroroo Area School bridges the divide between primary and secondary education by extending students across years 7 to 9. We equip them with the skills to become independent learners and successful citizens in this new and ever-changing world.

Our approach in pastoral care and student wellbeing encompasses all aspects of students’ lives both inside and outside the classroom. With an emphasis on high expectations and support, we encourage students’ physical and social-emotional development through building strong relationships between students, between students and their teachers and between teachers and families.

Subjects offered

Our year 7 to 9 students study the following subjects, with some weighted more heavily time-wise than others:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • Science
  • Wellbeing (Health)
  • Design and Technology
  • Art
  • Physical Education
  • Home Economics
  • Agricultural Studies

The 7/8 and year 9 classrooms are equipped with a data projector and wireless internet access. All year 7 to 9 students have access to their own laptop, current software, and a wireless network.

Activities and events

Our year 7 to 9 students take part in a range of activities, including:

  • The Amazing Race – a week long Middle School activity where students are in multi-age teams set across curriculum challenges both at school and in the community (they present their learning to a panel of judges at the end of the week)
  • sports days and swimming carnivals
  • state-wide Knockout Cup competitions in cricket and football
  • SAPSASA sports (year 7 students)
  • year level camps
  • lunchtime competitions organised by SRC students
  • performing arts opportunities including visual arts exhibitions and school productions
  • Student Representative Council (SRC).

Senior school (year 11 and 12)

The Senior School places priority on giving students the opportunity to complete their SACE certificate locally. This is so they can access work, tertiary, and further training pathways.

Year 10 subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics  
  • Science  – physics, biology, chemistry, agricultural science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) – history, geography, economics and business, civics and citizenship 
  • The Arts – music, media arts, visual arts 
  • Technologies – design and technologies, digital technologies 
  • Health and Physical Education – home economics, personal learning plan, community studies

Year 11 (SACE stage 1) subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics  – general and essential 
  • Science  – physics, biology
  • The Arts – music, media arts, visual arts 
  • Technologies – design and technologies
  • Health and Physical Education  – food and hospitality
  • Research practices

Subjects offered by distance education through the Open Access College:

  • Psychology
  • History
  • Economics

Year 12 (SACE stage 2) subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics  – essential, general
  • Science  – physics, biology
  • The Arts – music, media arts, visual arts 
  • Technologies – design and technologies
  • Health and Physical Education  – food and hospitality
  • Research project

Subjects offered by distance education through the Open Access College:

  • Nutrition

VET courses for year 11 and 12

Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways are also included in subject options.

Visit VET recognition search to see all courses on offer.

Student subject load

Including compulsory subjects, student load is:

  • Year 10: 7 subjects x 50 minute lessons
  • Year 11 (SACE stage 1): 6 subjects x 50 minute lessons
  • Year 12 (SACE stage 2): Up to 4.5 subjects x 50 minute lessons